Wednesday, February 3, 2016

"His ways are highter than our ways"

Another transfer is here!  This was the first transfer we did transfer calls and it was very exciting.  Our whole apartment got up so eager to get our call from the Assistants.  It was exciting!  My new companion is Sister Evangelista from the Philippines!!!  Woohoo!  My third Filipina companion.  I was so happy to get the call!  We will be serving in Humanitarian Center this transfer.  Sister Evangelista is very kind and has a sweet spirit about her.  Many miracles to come!
My new companion-Sister Evangelista from the Philippines

I would like to share two experiences I had this week that show a contrast of how the Lord teaches us about the work of the Spirit. This invitation is specifically for those who are members of the LDS faith
Sunday, Sister Cariñote and I took a family through  the God's Plan presentation.  Another sister had spoken with the mother and told me they were members of the Mormon church and that she was struggling with attending church.  Throughout the presentation I was pleading with the Lord that we would be able to say what they needed to hear.   While they were watching the second video I was in the third room looking up scriptures, keywords to give me some direction, trying to think of experiences, but nothing came to me.  Sister Cariñote bore her testimony, then I bore mine. Then we invited them to share with their children why the sacrament is important to them.  The mother started to cry.  I knew it was the Spirit that had spoken, not me.
Tuesday we met another member of our faith and he was sitting near the New Testament paintings in the North Visitor Center and seemed to be in a stupor of thought. We approached him and asked what he was thinking. He said he was contemplating about a decision that he needed to make for work. I prayed to the Lord asking what scripture, quote, testimony, anything we could share with him, but realized that we had nothing to offer. I share with him a title from an Ensign magazine, but even that didn't feel right. I know that Sister Carinote and I had the spirit. We were trying to discern needs and trying to speak the Lord's words, but I believe that the Lord was giving me this experience just to remind me that this is His work and NOT ours.
In both experiences the Lord was teaching me that this is His work and we cannot do it without the spirit.  Now matter how hard we try to help our non member friends come into the gospel we cannot force it upon them and we cannot force the spirit to give us the direction we are seeking for.  This also includes helping our less active friends.  We must be patient with Heavenly Father's timing for 'His ways are higher than our ways.'  We must have charity- which also includes respecting their agency.  I want to invite you to read this recent ensign article for this month that gives insight to parents who have children that are less active.  However, I feel all of us as members can learn from it. (When A Child Leaves the Church)

I love my Savior Jesus Christ.  I know that He desires us to follow Him.  That is why we were sent down to the earth with our families and the friends we have so that we may help one another to return to live with God again.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

I love you all!
Sister Mikeila Aquino
Love the Snow!

Zone 1

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